Saturday, June 18, 2011

First Post

   So, I've started a blog. Its pretty intimidating when you think about it; all the things you want it to be, if you'll ever  actually get it there, and if anyone will care... 
   I've started this blog for a number of reasons, but most importantly I want to use it to better define myself. This will mostly be a style blog. Deep, I know, but fashion is a huge part of my life (it is my career after all). I'm currently in a weird transition in my life. I graduated college last year, and shortly thereafter I got married and found my first real job. Its been a lot of huge changes, and I don't think I've been able to take it all in. 
   I used to be fearless with fashion. I wore the craziest outfits in high school, and experimented daily with any look I wanted to. In college I wanted to look, well, not like a high school kid, so I started dressing (somewhat) more maturely, but still with a lot of personality. Nowadays, I'm really trying to look like the grownup I still feel like I'm only pretending to be. I want to be taken more seriously, but I don't want to lose myself, my individuality, or the whole reason why I care about clothes; because they're fun! 

   Needless to say, I'm in a style rut. So I'm hoping that by using this blog I can chronicle what I actually like and want to wear. I can start figuring out the direction I'm going in, and make it the direction I want.

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